I’ve never been a big video game player, but there are a few games on my iPad I play from time to time. One of them is "Candy Crush." Do you know that one? Lots of colorful candies and swiping up, down, and side to side to change the board and collect what you're after.
I might play to take a short break, relax, and have a little fun downtime. It's short because I only play when I have free "lives" and I never buy more time to play.
It occurred to me recently how relaxed I am when I'm playing. It also occurred to me, that the way I approach and play the game can be how I approach all things in my life, work, and relationships and experience that relaxed, peaceful feeling.
My attitude about learning the levels, experimenting with the right strategies, managing failure, and having to try again...it's all relevant to my real life, outside of those 15-20 minutes of playing.
So here are some things I learned from playing "Candy Crush:"
1. Though I love to win the first time I try a new level, it's OK if I lose because I'm going to be able to try again...and again...and again if I have to until I get it.
2. It's fun to try something even if you're not sure it will work.
3. Sometimes I have no idea what I just did to get what I got; I just enjoy that it worked.
4. I appreciate words of encouragement - "Wonderful," "Great job," "Awesome," "Sweet!" (The little cartoon character is cute.)
5. I maintain a very high level of determination knowing I'm going to figure it out.
6. I always try my best.
7. Sometimes I take their suggested move, but sometimes I trust myself to make a move I think is better!
8. I make mistakes and it's OK because I learn from them. Now I know what not to do.
9. I use my five free lives and when those are over, I feel satisfied with my wins/losses knowing I played my best.
10. Sometimes I make a move and I see it wasn't the best one; it's ok, I'm going to make a better one another time.
11. When I make an awesome, strategic move I delight in my skill!
12. It's good to be curious and try new ways of doing things. Whether it works or not doesn't matter, just being curious is part of the fun.
13. There may be several ways to win. Just keep trying and see what works for you.
14. Sometimes I think I'm going to make a really big move and then "oops!" I realize it's not the best; it's ok, there'll be another one.
15. I'm always determined and never frustrated. That keeps me going and makes it so much more fun.
I'm sharing my lessons with you. The lessons are from a simple little game, but their application to our lives can be quite profound.
Perhaps one or more of these will help you with what you're working on. Enjoy!
Some encouragement for parents: Whatever your students are involved in, help them see they can approach life, school, and friendships with a perspective that keeps them on the path to success!
There are some great lessons here to consider as you help your students create more self-confidence, learn to handle anything, and keep growing and changing to become the best versions of themselves!
Consider what God’s word has to say: Ephesians 3:20-21 “Now to Him who can do beyond all we ask or imagine, according to His power at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” Think big. Trust God. Be brave. Accomplish great things!