I love a quote from Francis Schaeffer that says, " Art is a reflection of God's creativity; evidence that we were made, in the image of God." I believe this is true because God is our Creator, and when He made us, He imparted that creativity to us. Creativity is defined, as the use of imagination or original ideas, especially in artistic work. This definition leaves a question unanswered, where does creativity come from? I think that creativity originated from creation itself. It emerged from God during creation. We inherited His creativity, and when we put our creativity into practice, we manifest God’s divine nature within us.
Whether you are an artist, a painter, a photographer, a designer, a writer, a dancer, a musician, an illustrator, a speaker, a sculptor, a baker, a crafter, or any other creator, your gifts and abilities are a blessing from God you should treasure. I believe we all have some level of creativity, some more developed than others, but we all have the power to create. When we create something, we show others a tiny part of what God is. It is why we must be mindful that we have a great responsibility. Therefore, we have to be careful to use it with the correct intentions and purpose. When we use creativity negatively or for wrongdoing, we invalidate its original purpose; we trample on God's gift. We should use our creative minds to glorify God and do something good for the world. We should be good stewards of the creativity we inherited.
The enemy will try to make you believe that you are not creative, but ask yourself, how the most creative could create uncreative persons? We, as His creation inherited His creative trait; the problem is that we have believed that only a select group is creative. Today I remind you that we were created in His image, so we must be creative as Him. We have to pursue and embrace our creativity. When you create, you are releasing a part of you also. Sharing your creativity with others is an act of humility and vulnerability. You are sharing who you are. It may seem scary for some people, and unfortunately, this keeps them from sharing their creativity with others. It is a protection mechanism because they do not want to be judged, criticized, or rejected. At the same time, this creates insecurities and makes them think they are not enough or that what they do is not good enough. You should put those fears aside and believe in your worth; you should start trusting God. He would not let you down.
Creativity is powerful, and the enemy knows it. He knows that we were created in God’s image, and that is something he does not have. He envies us because of that, and he is looking for ways to prevent us from using that creativity for God’s glory. We are a threat to him, and he knows it. Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in His image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them.” We must also be responsible for finishing what we started because the enemy is lurking to take advantage of any opportunity to stop our creativity because he knows how powerful it could be. Creativity is an essential tool for evangelization. It helps us to show others a clear message, and it helps us enlighten others with God’s light that is inside us.
Today I invite you to value creativity as the great gift it is. I invite you to use your creative mind and fulfill your creative purpose. Creativity empowers you by opening a world of new possibilities that make you thrive and grow. You will not only be blessing others with the beauty of your creation but also blessed by it.